Halloween is the only day in the year when it is not only accepted but expected that everyone will get out in the streets and greet their neighbors. We pray for opportunities to love our neighbors and bless our communities in ways they understand. Halloween is not a threat. It’s THAT opportunity.
Yes, Halloween has a dark side - pagan origins, and now costumes can be overly grotesque or overly sexualized. It’s a risk - you may experience the ugly or racy side. You may get some kid in your neighborhood that scares your family. So – at Sandhurst, we respect those who can’t get past the past that. We get it. However, we encourage approaching it with the idea to bring the light to the dark, and redeem the day, the last national holiday designed to bring us into contact with our neighbors. Wisely make the most of this opportunity!
For example, on my first day of missions class at DTS, Prof Mark Young set up the following scenario: a new family moves into a neighborhood just before Halloween. On the night they strike out with their little ones, and the first house is dark… the next house is lit up, party music is playing, people in the yard, giving out candy, ooing and ahhing over the kids. Which family do they perceive loves their neighbor?
Jesus told Simon Peter, "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church at the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Gates are for defense. Jesus wasn’t saying the church will withstand hell’s attack. He is saying the gates of hell will not stand against His Kingdom’s attack. We belong to the kingdom of light - and that’s what mission is. NOT going from here to there. But going from the light to the dark. So on Halloween, when everyone is out - let’s consume the darkness with light, and like the resurrection, watch life swallow death again. So if you have to stand down - stand down. BUT - if you can, light it up.
Pray: pray and think (if you have a PUC list - get it out!)
Team: recruit friends to join you for the evening
Engage: Be present – better outside – best at the end of your driveway set up “camp” to maximize engagement. Set up lawn chairs at the end of your driveway, move your fire pit out there, have a cooler with water bottles, or even grill hot dogs. Ask questions. Get names. Where they live. Costumes, schools - take interest! Get a Costume (dress the part!). Play music (speaker + fun music). String lights. Give good candy!
Invite: pass out invitations to Fallback Sunday & Christmas (along with candy!)
Full resource page: https://www.desiringgod.org/trick-or-treat
More ideas from Luke McFadden: http://lukemcfadden.com/halloween/
Hospitality: “Debra Murphy why we risk hospitality on Halloween”
Of course we welcome guests every Sunday – but this is a week for intentional inviting and creating a unique and warm welcome for guests following Halloween and leading into Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We’ll have printed invitations for you to give out during the Halloween evening with an invite on one side and the Sandhurst Christmas calendar on the other side. On that Sunday at Sandhurst we’ll be especially vigilant to being welcoming to guests before, during and after the service.
IDEAS: Halloween "PIE"
Pray: pray and think (seriously)
Invite: kids and families and others for trick-or-treating and yard parties…
Engage: Halloween night guests
"You guys look great!"
"Could I invite you to our church service and cookout this Sunday?"
"Now you know where are are - come by sometime."
Fallback Sunday guests
“Thank you for being here.”
“Can I take you there?” (wherever they are going in the building)
“Would you sit with us?”
“Let me introduce you to ______.”
“Could you join us for lunch?”
“Here is my email – let me know if I can help in any way.”